
About Me

Hi, I'm Rachel and I am on a mission.  I think we all are on a mission in some way or another.  Some missions are as simple as getting through the day and others take a lifetime to fulfill.

I have a wonderful husband and three beautiful children, Jackson and Jaden (twin boys) and our little girl, Kylie. Being a mom is something I've wanted to do all my life and despite the many challenges - it does not disappoint!

Years ago as I was sitting in church a woman got up to share a testimony.  She was talking about finding her area of ministry and the best way for her to serve.  What stuck out to me was her saying she always felt guilty when she didn't serve where there was a need.  She found herself serving in areas she was neither passionate about or really enjoyed.  She came to the conclusion that God had gifted her for specific purposes and she could say no when it wasn't a good fit - guilt free.  She went on to find something that fit her perfectly but it left me wondering - what is MY mission?  What can be MY ministry?  What do I love?  For starters, I am passionate about needy children, those who have little and struggle to get through every day.  And I LOVE being on the Internet.  I love technology and all the possibilities it brings.

And years later...that brings me here.  To this blog.  It's been rattling around in my mind for quite a while and is finally coming together.  I am SUCH a newbie at this - but if you'll stick with me my prayer is that God will bless my efforts and together we can be on a mission to make a difference in the world and the lives of our families.